
思而思学 2023-11-11 16:09:03



(考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 选择题(每题4分,共100分):

第1题:When Sammy died, Barbara looked for a book to help her children __________. A. remember the dog B. forget the dog C. deal with the sadness D. find another dog 【正确答案】C

讲解: Barbara looked for a book that would help her daughters deal with their deep sadness 选C

第2题:The man isn’t________ he used to be.

A. that B. who C. what D. who 【正确答案】C

讲解:表语从句,he used to be 后缺少句子成分,that在表语从句中不能充当成分。句义:这个男人不是他过去的样子了。用what引导表语从句且在从句中作表语。选C

第3题:A. to say B. to tell C. telling D. saying


讲解:without 是介词后跟动词ing选C

第4题: When the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, an old Irishman was watching them on the television in the bar of a hotel. There was an English in the bar, too, and he___21____ the Irishman, 《The___22____ are very clever, aren't they? They are going____23___ some men to the moon. It is a long_____24____ from the world.》 《Oh, that's___25____,》 the Irishman answered quickly. 《the Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few months. That's____26____ away from the moon, you know.》 《Yes, it is.》 The Englishman said, 《___27____it is too____28____ for the people to go to.》 The Irishman laughed and said, 《Well, the Irish aren't stupid, you know, we____29__ go to the sun during the day, of course, we will go there____30_____.》

A. talk to B. told C. said to D. spoke to 【正确答案】C

讲解:say后加的是内容,对某人说say to sb选C

第5题:Which of the following in NOT true ?

A. My bother ,my sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch when I was a child.B. These days, there is only one channel with old movies, cooking and fishing.C. People have many channels to choose from now. 【正确答案】B

讲解:解析:选择不正确的一项。 There are channels with old movies, cooking ,fishing and so on. 可知选B

